
The International Water Association World Water Congress & Exhibition 2024, Toronto has been an incredibly transformative experience, packed with profound insights and powerful takeaways. The Congress addresses the most pressing issues of our time, such as climate change, sustainability, climate resilience, water economics and governance. This discussion could not be timelier as the global community faces unprecedented challenges in securing a sustainable water future. The sessions on net zero and climate resilience, in particular, were ground-breaking, offering innovative strategies to revolutionise how we deal with climate change's impacts on water resources.

Newly elected IWA Vice President with the former Executive Director of IWA - Paul Reiter


A large Malaysian delegation is deeply immersed in these critical conversations, actively exchanging ideas with global experts. The passion to learn and collaborate is a testament to our shared commitment to elevating water management practices at home. The knowledge and strategies gained here will undoubtedly propel us forward in addressing our domestic challenges in sustainability and governance, setting new standards for water management in Malaysia.

The International Water Association World Water Congress & Exhibition 2024 Toronto has been an incredibly transformative experience, packed with profound insights and powerful takeaways. The Congress addresses the most pressing issues of our time, such as climate change, sustainability, climate resilience, water economics and governance. This discussion could not be timelier as the global community faces unprecedented challenges in securing a sustainable water future. The sessions on net zero and climate resilience, in particular, were ground-breaking, offering innovative strategies to revolutionise how we deal with climate change's impacts on water resources.

A large Malaysian delegation is deeply immersed in these critical conversations, actively exchanging ideas with global experts. The passion to learn and collaborate is a testament to our shared commitment to elevating water management practices at home. The knowledge and strategies gained here will undoubtedly propel us forward in addressing our domestic challenges in sustainability and governance, setting new standards for water management in Malaysia.

The unwavering dedication and professionalism displayed by the staff of the International Water Association led by Dr. Kala Vairavamoorthy and our gracious host, City of Toronto, Canada, have been nothing short of inspiring. The conference was flawlessly organised, creating a dynamic and engaging environment that fostered meaningful collaboration. It’s been truly gratifying to witness the passion and effort that went into making this event not just successful but profoundly impactful for all involved.

The Malaysian delegates especially MWA were overjoyed to celebrate the election of Dr. Ir. Ts. Hj. Mohmad Asari Daud (MWA President) as the Vice President of the International Water Association. This is a monumental achievement, reflecting not only his outstanding contributions but also elevating Malaysia’s standing within the global water community. The passing of the presidency from Tom Mollenkopf AO to Prof. Hamanth Kasan, PhD was another significant milestone, heralding a new era of leadership for the IWA.

" Dr. Ir. Ts. Mohmad Asari’s election as Vice President is a remarkable achievement that aligns with Kuching, Sarawak being chosen as the host city for the 2028 World Water Congress and Exhibition, where he also serves as the Congress President. "

Adam Saffian Ghazali, MWA Vice President

Mr. Adam Saffian, MWA VP was also thrilled to be a part of the Strategic Council of the International Water Association and the Specialist Group on Statistics and Economics. His involvement in these groups has been incredibly rewarding, offering him the chance to learn new things and contribute to critical discussions that will shape the future of water management. These experiences have broadened his perspective and deepened his commitment to advancing the goals of the IWA.

In sum, attending this congress has been profoundly rewarding, far exceeding expectations. The wealth of insights, the robust discussions, and the invaluable connections made this a truly enriching experience. The photos captured during the event speak volumes, encapsulating the energy, passion, and commitment that defined this unforgettable journey.


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