Water Industry Guide Overview
The MWIG contains a wealth of data that truly reflects the state of the water services in Malaysia. It provides reliable, impartial and timely information to enable stakeholders, including decision makers, service providers, suppliers, consultants, academicians and consumers to follow the progress and assess the performance of the nation’s water and wastewater services. Readers will find this report interesting and informative. It should also serve as means of benchmarking and help service providers to intensify efforts to better improve their services.
This guideline which contains the water industry data and statistics, serves as a general reference or base line data which could be used by SPAN in regulating the activities and performance of the water and sewerage operators. The guideline is a crucial reference material to the stake holders in the water industry.
(Every effort has been made to complete this publication with the accurate information. Some of the previous year data has been adjusted based on updated information provided by the state operator in Peninsular Malaysia and F.T. Labuan which are regulated by SPAN in accordance with the Water Services Industry Act 2006 (WSIA 2006))
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MWIG 2018 (Sold Out)RM 60.00
MWIG 2017 (Sold Out)RM 60.00